Showing features and specs for a product To find out exactly which features are most important to your customers, start with the USA Phone Number List product’s reviews: Screenshot showing reviews for a product In the USA Phone Number List example above, the customer cares about the hammer looking new, USA Phone Number List even after repeated use—a great idea to include in future iterations of the product description. Key Takeaway: You’re not competing against every product online. You’re competing against similar products in your industry. A hammer vs. hammer, for example.
And while there’s a USA Phone Number List lot that goes into the buying decision process, one of the biggest reasons why shoppers buy your product over others is how you choose to describe it. Describe the little features. Talk about the nuances. Nothing is too insignificant or trivial! APPSUMO [ONLINE COURSES] Not USA Phone Number List every ecommerce product is a physical one, yet it still takes the same USA Phone Number List wordsmith finesse to sell a service. AppSumo’s Make Your First Dollar online course is a prime example of the persuasive power of what I like to call the “ideal you.” Screenshot showing copy for Monthly1K Many of us want to be successful, make a ton of money, live a good life, and be a good person.
The “ideal you” product USA Phone Number List description plays right into that natural human drive. You can get a template to apply the “ideal you” product description in your business by clicking on the button below. Get My "Ideal You" Product Description Template This technique takes the shopper USA Phone Number List (metaphorically) on a journey from where they are now to where they want to be USA Phone Number List in the future. Notice how AppSumo asks very specific and strategic questions: Have you failed at starting a business? Have you failed at trying? What business do you want to start? Then, once you’ve internally answered “yes” to one or more