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CBCTOPG Licensing
Feb 22, 2022
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Dentists looking to expand their clinical skills? Then you are at the right destination. Dr Amar Sholapurkar is a full time academician, lecturer in the field of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Radiology. Develop your radiology reporting skills, and improve your knowledge. Find below upcoming Courses: Comprehensive Courses offered by Dr Amar: 1. OPG/Lateral Ceph Licensing Course 2. CBCT Licensing Course 3. 2D Radiographic Interpretation Courses Register today to upgrade your knowledge. He has many years of experience in teaching and researching for both undergraduates and postgraduates. These courses open to dentists, dental specialists, oral health therapists, dental students, dental hygiene students as well as dental assistants. Register today CBCT and OPG courses Australia at

CBCTOPG Licensing

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